Requested by: NewsTalk | Response provided: 13/02/2019
Category: Medical,Contracts,Equipment

I write in response to your Official Information Act request, received by us on 14 January 2019, on transfer from the Ministry of Health under Section 14 of the Official Information Act. You requested the

following information:

1. Number and location of PET (positron emission tomography) and PET-CT (positron emission tomography-computed tomography) scanning machines in NZ.

2. Current working condition of each of these machines - for example whether they are in top working condition, in need of upgrade/refurbishment, or broken.

3. The timeline and anticipated cost for the repair or replacement of any PET or PET-CT machines which are currently broken or in need of upgrade/ refurbishment.

4. Current patient waiting times for PET and PET-CT scans, with these figures broken down by DHB and reason for scan (i.e. breast cancer detection, prostate cancer detection etc).

5. Forecast patient waiting times for PET and PET-CT scans over the next six months, with these figures broken down by DHB and reason for scan (i.e. breast cancer detection, prostate cancer

detection etc.).

I would like information on the above, for the timeframe of the last 12 months up to - and including the most current data.


Our Response is attached


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