I write in response to your Official Information Act request, dated 30 July 2019. You requested the following information, and our responses are below:
1. How many communications / PR staff did you employ (FTE) for the years ending June 30 2014, and 2019?
2. How many communications / PR people did you employ (FTE) on contract for the years ending June 30 2014 and 2019?
3. How much was your communications / PR budget for the years ending June 30 2014, and 2019?
4. What proportion of the communications / PR budget was spent on outside comms/ PR consultants or contractors?
5. How many media enquiries did you receive for the years ending June 2014, and 2019?
6. What is your target turnaround time for media enquiries?
7. How often did you meet the target response time last year?
8. What proportion of time did your communications / PR team spend on responding to media enquiries last year?
9. How many live (in person, or by phone) media interviews did your Chief Executive do last year?
10. If you have a policy or guidelines on how communications / PR staff should respond to media enquiries, please provide a copy.
11. How many of your current communications / PR employees are former journalists?
12. What is the range of salaries paid to your communications / PR staff from lowest to highest?