I write in response to your Official Information Act request, dated 14 October 2019.
You advised us of you interest in the following information:
The Home and Community Health Association requests details as to the number of persons on the Counties Manukau DHB’s Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) waiting list for aged home support.
Specifically, the request is for:
1.The total number of people in the Counties Manukau DHB area receiving aged home-basedsupport services, as at 30 September 2019.
2.The total number of people referred to the Counties Manukau DHB NASC for assessment forhome-based aged support services, as at 30 September 2019, where the referral/ non-referralto HCSS services is yet to occur.
3.The total number of people, with a completed assessment for home-based services, referredfor service to a HCSS provider during the month of September 2019.
4.The total number of people, with a completed assessment for home-based services during themonth of September 2019, where no referral is to be made for such services.
Our response is attached
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