Requested by: Other - business | Response provided: 13/05/2020
Category: Hospital Capacity,Public Health Services

I write in response to your Official Information Act request, received by us on 30 April 2020.

You requested the following information.

You are one of seven DHBs that have refused the request under s 18 (f) of the OIA. We appreciate how busy you are at this time, so we have reduced our OIA request to just focus on masks.

Can you tell us the approximate number of (i) P2 (or equivalent) masks and (ii) surgical masks you have in stock in your DHB – using your last stock take figures.

  • We assume you will have provided this information to MoH, and hope this is not timeconsuming.
  • Can you also provide the date of the stocktake?


Our response is attached


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