1. Copies of documents created since the start of 2019 that relate to the condition,performance and adequacy of specialist mental health facilities managed by the DHB.
If it helps to refine my request, I am particularly interested in documents such as reports, briefings and letters that provide an overview of deficiencies in the ability of mental health units to provide adequate treatment for patients with serious mental illness, including factors such as funding, demand, staffing, overcrowding, patient safety and comfort, readmission rates, and the physical state of the facilities.
Please include:
2. Copies of business cases for repairs or upgrades of existing specialist mental health facilities.
3. Copies of business cases for the building of new specialist mental health facilities.
Please also provide data for the last five years, broken down by month if possible, on the following metrics:
4. Bed occupancy rates in specialist mental health and addiction facilities (broken down by facility if possible and applicable).
5. Bed numbers in specialist mental health and addiction facilities (broken down by facility if possible and applicable).
6. Unplanned readmission rates in specialist mental health and addiction facilities (broken down by facility if possible and applicable).
7. Funding for specialist mental health and addiction facilities.
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