As temperatures rise, it's important to watch out for dehydration, especially in babies, older adults and people who work outside.
- Plan ahead - check the forecast, pack enough water and food, use a chiller bag.
- Drink plenty of water and encourage your children to drink often.
- Stay out of the sun, find shade outside wherever possible and stay indoors when you can and wear loose and light cotton clothing.
- If you have to be outside, remember to Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap.
- Don’t leave children or pets unattended in parked cars.
- Keep a close eye on neighbours, especially the elderly, to check they’re okay. Remember, children, older people or those with health concerns may find it more difficult to cope with the heat.
- Keep your house cool by opening windows and doors on the shaded side and close curtains and blinds to keep the sun out. Opening windows at opposite ends of a room can help with cross-ventilation.
- Keep wet flannels in the fridge to help you cool down, or take a cold shower.
- Use a fan if you have one, particularly for elderly relatives.
- You can also identify locations nearby with air conditioning that are free to access such as libraries, shopping malls and other public spaces.
- Keep cool while exercising. If possible, exercise or do outdoor activities early in the morning or later in the evening.
- Don’t forget to call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for FREE health advice.