Protect yourself, your whaanau, and your community by getting immunised. COVID-19 is still in our communities and is a significant risk.
If you have test positive for COVID, we recommended you isolate for 5 days even if you only have mild symptoms. Start counting from Day 0, which is the day your symptoms started or when you tested positive, whichever came first.
Free RATs remain available for pick up from participating RAT collection centres until 29 February 2024. To find a collection centre near you, visit Healthpoint website or call free on 0800 222 478 and choose option 1.
If you have taken a rapid antigen test (RAT), report your positive result online or by calling the helpline.
- Online: My Covid Record
- Call: 0800 222 478
If you do need to leave your home during your 5-day isolation period, it is very important you take precautions to prevent spreading COVID to others:
- You should wear a mask whenever you leave the house.
- You should not visit a healthcare facility (except to access medical care), or an aged residential care facility, or have contact with anyone at risk of getting seriously unwell with COVID.
If you need to seek in-person medical care while you have COVID, please call ahead before visiting, and follow their instructions. It is recommended that you wear a mask.
If your COVID symptoms get worse, or you are concerned about someone you care for, you can call Healthline on 0800 611 116 anytime for free health advice and information. If it’s an emergency, call 111.
For more information and advice visit our Health Information and Service website