1. The pathway to access specialised eating disorder care within the DHB.
2. Broken down by age and sex, the current number of people awaiting treatment for eating disorders via that pathway - i.e. through the DHB mental health team, or specialist treatment facility.
3. The number of people admitted to hospital (including paediatric hospitals or wards) with an eating disorder or a suspected eating disorder, broken down by name of facility, age and sex, between January 1, 2010 and December 31 2020.
4. The number of people who have accessed specialised eating disorder services between January 1 2020 and December 31 2020, by inpatient or outpatient status, sex and age.
5. If not available within the DHB catchment area, where can patients access publicly funded, specialised eating disorder care?
6. If eating disorder treatment services are contracted out and / or delivered by primary health care providers, please provide the name of the organisation delivering the service.
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